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Class Eleven


Welcome to Class 11




Miss. J. Harrold - Teacher

Miss. N. Omar - Teacher

Mrs. V. Costello- Teaching Assistant

Mrs. L. Lawes - Teaching Assistant

Miss. R. McGuire - Teaching Assistant

Mrs G Plant - Teaching Assistant

Miss. E. McKenna - Teaching Assistant


Autumn Term 2023


Our Curriculum

In Class 11, our children have the flexibility to access a processed based, play rich curriculum that provides inclusive and holistic provision to meet the needs of all our learners. Individual needs identified in a child’s EHCP are planned for from a curriculum that supports the progression of the four areas of need for SEND and allows children to access a range of subjects and learning experiences at an appropriate level. Our learners span a breadth of curriculums that include; Pre-Formal, Informal, Semi-Formal, Formal and subject specific National Curriculum. We use B-Squared as a tool to track and monitor progress and provide formal assessments, across both the EYFS Framework, Engagement Steps, Autism Progress and the National Curriculum subjects areas on Primary Steps. Each child’s journey is completely individual and our approach allows for fluidity across the curriculum, enabling each child to make progress at a level that is appropriate to their needs. Our learners can move across the continuum depending on subject area, learning needs and interests. We recognise that our children may need further support and to access specific areas of learning at different levels of a curriculum. Our continuum allows all children to be supported and challenged within their learning, at an appropriate level, for each area of learning and subject. For all these reasons we have adopted the Equals Curriculum* for our class. Our intention is for Equals to be fully implemented in Class 11 by September 2023 but we have made substantial adaptations to the curriculum in these classes in line with the Equals approach in 2022 – 2023.


We continue to have a primary focus on supporting the development of communication, listening and attention and social skills. We spend time throughout the day focusing on specific areas of need and interventions for our children, regularly supported by our Speech and Language therapist.


This term we are exploring the topic My World. We will be reading stories, talking and taking part in a variety of activities and explorations about  ourselves and our families, where we live, food we like to eat and our school.  A major focus within our classroom is learning of new topic based vocabulary and signing to aid with meaning and word recall. This half term we are focusing on colours, fruit and snack food items.


Class 11 will be taking part in outdoor learning activities as a part of each day and the children need appropriate outerwear to protect them against all types of weather. Eg. waterproof coat and wellies and sun cream and hats that they are able to leave in school for the half term. 







The children in Class 11 have nightly reading tasks to be completed everyday.

Some children may also bring home phonics  homework and Maths homework on a Friday if appropriate.


At the Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks that we set as homework.


Obviously the level of your engagement will depend on your child's age but we expect you take an active part in all aspects of homework and, where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g. by signing the Home/School Reading Record Book.)


Thank you for support








Supporting your child at home


The following links will take you to Espresso and Purple Mash. Both contain numerous resources for supporting your child in all areas of the school curriculum. Individual log in details can be found in children's reading records. For further information about the curriculum please go to the Curriculum section of the school website.
