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Class Six

Welcome to Class Six


Welcome to the Class Six page.  Summer is set to be action packed. With SATs, a Leavers assembly, the end of year show, Children's University graduation, sporting events, the SMILE Challenge, all running alongside a broad and balanced curriculum. This is set to be a wonderful final term at The Grange. 


Any questions, please feel free to ring at the front office.

Many thanks, 

Miss Wright



Class Teacher: Miss Wright

Teacher: Mr Evans

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bailey


Our Summer Topic is 'The Second World War'.We will be exploring this historical period and looking at what life was like in Britain. This topic will incorporate many areas of the curriculum including: Art, Design Technology, ICT, Maths and English.  


In English, we will be improving our comprehension skills and expanding our grammatical terminology through reading various text types. We will be reading  ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. This is a fantastic novel set during World War II and provides many great writing opportunities, including: character descriptions, poems, balanced arguments, diary entries, letters and reports.  


In Mathematics we will be securing our understanding of the number system whilst tackling difficult problems. We will be revising our understanding of many areas of the Maths curriculum and applying this knowledge to word problems.  During our Shape and Measures lessons, we will be learning how to measure angles with protractors, construct pie charts, calculating missing angles within a shape and draw shapes to specific dimensions .  We will also be looking at statistics and solving problems based on data.


 In PSHE we will be focusing on the topic 'Coping with Change'.  The children will explore how their bodies, relationships and lives will change as they get older.


As part of our RE lessons we will be answering the questions: What difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa , Grace  and Ummah? What can be done to reduce racism? Can religion help? How and why should religious communities do more to care for the Earth?


We will be continuing to learn Spanish each week. We will be learning new vocabulary and learning how to start saying basic sentences in Spanish!


The KS2 National Tests (SATs) will be taking place from Monday 13th May 2020 to Thursday 16th May 2020. Children will be assessed on their Maths, Reading, Grammar and Spelling knowledge. Please ensure your child is in school for this important week and the weeks leading up to them.


This term we have indoor P.E. on Wednesday and Outdoor P.E. will take place on either Tuesday or Thursday (depending on the weather). Please ensure children have their P.E. kits in school at all times.





Reading - Everyday.


Spellings - New spellings are given out every Monday and the spelling test will be the following Monday. Children will be expected to practise their spellings daily in their homework books. 


CGP revision booklets – Specific activities within these booklets are set throughout the week.  We will be reviewing answers in class and will deal with any issues.



Times Tables - Children are asked to spend 10 minutes daily on TTRockstars or they are given a paper copy to practice their times tables if required.


At The Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks that we set as homework.


Obviously the level of your engagement will depend on your child’s age but we expect you to take an active part in all aspects of homework and, where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g. by signing the Home/School Reading Record Book.)

 The routines of reading every day, learning spellings and multiplication tables etc. can be great fun and very rewarding for all concerned. Best results are achieved when homework is not done at the last minute but has a fixed time in a child’s established home routine. Short, sharp periods of activity are preferable to prolonged periods of study where concentration can be lost.

 Effective learning and consolidation of learning cannot happen in an environment with lots of distractions (e.g. television etc.) Please give some thought to where your child works at home.

 Please see below the extensive list of websites that your child can visit to consolidate and extend his/her learning.


Thank you for your support during this busy school year!

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Class Six Team.





Supporting your child at home


The following links will take you to Espresso and Purple Mash. Both contain numerous resources for supporting your child in all areas of the school curriculum. Individual log in details can be found in children's reading records. For further information about the curriculum please go to the Curriculum section of the school website.
