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Class Three

Welcome to Class Three



We would like to welcome you to the Class Three page. 

We hope you had a wonderful Easter break and are ready to start our final term in Class Three



Teacher - Mrs Bevin

Teaching Assistant - Miss Turpin

Teaching assistant - Mrs Dwan


Summer Term Learning



In the first part of the term, we will be using the Disney Pixar Short Film 'La Luna' as our writing stimulus. We will be using our knowledge of inverted commas to write dialogue for the film as well applying our Y3 grammar, punctuation and spelling to write a descriptive setting. We will learn about Neil Armstrong and his relationship with the Moon to write a biography about his life as well as a newspaper report about the first moon landing.

In the second part of the term, we will be reading Ted Hughes' classic novel 'The Iron Man'. Our learning journey will develop children's reading comprehension, fluency and vocabulary as we explore the characters, plot and language in the story. There will be plenty of writing opportunities including writing a diary from Hogarth's point of view exploring his feelings, a poem to entertain other children and a persuasive letter.


Number: Fractions

We will learn to write and find fractions for a set of data with small denominators. This learning will then continue as we learn to count up and down in tenths as well as identifying and showing equivalent fractions before learning to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole. 

Measurement: Money

We will learn how to add and subtract money giving, change and using pounds and pence. We will be completing this activity with real coins and notes.

Measurement: Time

We will learn to tell the number of seconds in a minute, and how many days there are in a month, a year and a leap year. We will also learn to estimate and read the time to the nearest minute using the words o'clock, a.m and p.m whilst learning to tell the time on a clock face using 12 and 24 hour clocks. 

Geometry: Properties of Shape

We will learn to recognise angles in given shapes including right angles. We will be using the vocabulary half-turn and three quarters of a turn using our knowledge of right angles. We will learn to spot horizontal and vertical lines, and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.


We will learn how to interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables. We will then solve one-step and two-step questions e.g ‘How many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’ using information presented in scaled bar charts, pictograms and tables.


In our Science learning will be start by finishing and consolidating our 'Light' topic work from the Spring term including the use of mirrors and how they reflect the light.

We will then be moving onto our new area of Science 'Forces and Magnets'. We will learn to compare how things move on different surfaces and notice that some forces need contact but magnetic forces can act at a distance. We will conduct experiments with magnets to show how they attract or repel each other and how they can attract some materials but not others. We will use this investigation to compare and group everyday materials based upon their magnetic properties. 


Our Topic this term will be Geography based on 'Our Local Area'. We will be learning to identify and use the 9 points of a compass and apply this knowledge and understanding to reading maps whilst making our own plans using symbols and keys. We will learn to locate counties and cities within the UK whilst asking geographical questions such as why the landscape is this way? How is it changing? We will identify physical and human features of our locality as we walk along the canal close to school. We will also hold discussions about different issues in our local area including the newly built road 'Brooms Cross Road' and communicate our findings to an audience. We will have the opportunity to use fieldwork instruments such as data loggers and thermometers to make comparisons between locations. 


During the Summer term will we looking at Desktop Publishing by creating documents by modifying text, images and page layouts for a specified purpose. We will create our newspaper reports based upon the Moon landing in our Computing lessons. 

We will also be learning to build and using branching databases to group objects using yes/no questions. We will link this to our Science topic when we group materials based upon their magnetic properties. 

We will continue to become digitally literate in our knowledge of e-Safety by looking closely at 'Managing Online Information' and 'Privacy and Security' using the ProjectEVOLVE resources. 



On a Tuesday afternoon, children in Class 3 will have indoor PE and will be participating in ‘Dance’.

Children in Class 3 will have outdoor PE on a Thursday with Miss Murray where they will be learning the key skills in the game of 'Cricket'. Children will learn how to strike the ball into space so that they can score runs. When fielding, they will learn how to keep the batters' scores low and they will do all this whilst thinking about using skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. 


Children will begin to learn to play the Glockenspiel using the Charanga programme. They will learn to understand some formal, written notation including crotchets and rests. They will learn to play and perform in a sole or ensemble context with confidence.

We will continue to listen and appraise to a range of classical music from the ABRSM 100 list.  We will also learn about different periods of classical music and different composers throughout history and recognise and identify a range of musical instruments.


We will continue to use our sketchbooks to record observations, and to experiment our techniques and plan out ideas. Our artist study this term will be ‘Andy Warhol’ and we will try to mimic his style of art whilst linking to 'Our Local Area' topic.


During Summer 1 our focus will be 'Coping with change'. We will be exploring feelings around changes in our lives. We will begin thinking about the changes we have experienced or may experience in the future, and how to articulate our feelings about these. We will focus on ways to show sympathy to others in times of need and how to cope with sad events. Then we will complete the set with a message of positivity and happiness. Children will learn about ways to help themselves feel happier and more positive if they are experiencing challenges. 

In Summer 2 our topic will be 'Families and committed relationships'. We will explore the different types of committed relationships and their characteristics. We will start by focusing on what commitment means and its importance. We will then look at the changes that can affect families and how we can cope with these before focusing on big changes that affect families, exploring what happens with parents separate. 


In Summer 1, we will be focusing on the key questions, ‘why do people pray?’. This will involve exploring what makes somewhere sacred and which places are important to people and why.

In Summer 2, we will be focusing on the key questions, ‘why are festivals important for religious communities?’. This will involve exploring how we celebrate different festivals and what makes them so special.



Reading - Children in Class Three are expected to read each weeknight (Monday-Friday). Your child's reading record should be dated and signed every time that they read. To develop the children's independence, we are now giving children the responsibility to change their own reading books as and when they finish a book. 

Some children in Class Three are receiving the Read Write Inc programme to develop their phonemic awareness and fluency in reading. These children on a Wednesday will receive a book bag copy of the story they have been reading in class. Children will keep hold of these books for the week and should not write in them. By re-reading the same story, children will become fluent readers without the need to decode words and can then focus on their expression and understanding of the story. We appreciate your co-operation with your child's reading. 


Spelling - Children will be tested and given a new set of spellings each Monday. Their spellings will be stuck into their homework books. Children will be required to print their spellings using the Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check method and then practise their spellings on the next blank page using the range of spelling strategies that we have introduced in class. Some spelling groups are advised to choose 2 different spellings each night and write a sentence with that spelling in to help their understanding of the vocabulary. 


Times Tables - Children will be asked to log onto TT Rockstars for at least 10 minutes during the week. It is vital that children practise their times tables for various aspects of their Maths work.  This will be checked online on a Friday.


At The Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks that we set as homework. 


Obviously the level of your engagement will depend on your child's age but we expect that you take an active part in all aspects of homework and, where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g. by signing the Home/School Reading Record Book.)


The routines of reading every day, learning spellings and multiplication tables etc. can be great fun and very rewarding for all concerned. Best results are achieved when homework is not done at the last minute, but has a fixed time in a child's established home routine. Short, sharp periods of activity are preferable to prolonged periods of study where concentration can be lost.


Effective learning and consolidation of learning cannot happen in an environment with lots of distractions (e.g. television etc.) Please give some thought to where your child works at home. 





Supporting your child at home


The following links will take you to various websites which will help to support your child's learning at home. All contain numerous resources for supporting your child in areas of the school curriculum. Individual log-in details can be found in the inside cover of your child's reading records. For further information about the curriculum please go to the Curriculum section of the school website.
