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Welcome to Nursery

Teacher – Mrs. Delamere

Teaching Assistants – Miss Taylor, Miss Hull & Miss Hughes



Welcome back, we hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Easter break. Our topic for this term is 'Growth' and the children will be engaging in lots of activities linked to 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Soon we will be planting some magic beans sent to us by Jack. We will be observing the life cycle of a bean plant and recording our observations. Later on in the term we will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly by observing living caterpillars transform into butterflies. 


In phonics our Nursery 1 children will be focusing on rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and identifying environmental and instrumental sounds. Nursery 2 children will be focusing on blending and segmenting simple words i.e. d-o-g, c-a-t, p-i-g.


In Mathematics we are concentrating on numbers 1-10 - recognising them, putting them in order, accurately counting objects in an irregular arrangement and finding one more or one fewer than a given number up to 5. We are also looking at simple 2D and 3D shapes and their properties, making patterns, exploring differences in size, length, weight and capacity, and learning to use positional language. 


In Summer 2 term we will be be starting our transition visits to Reception to prepare the children for when they start school in September.




EYFS Curriculum


Click on the star links below to learn more about the different areas of learning and to see photographs of your child’s learning throughout the year.

Uniform - Nursery uniform is a black or red sweater/cardigan, yellow polo shirt and red or black jogging bottoms/leggings. Please can you ensure that all sweaters/cardigans have your child's name written inside them.

We ask that all children bring a pair of wellies to leave in Nursery. This is so we can go outside in all weathers. We also ask that children wear shoes with a velcro fastening. This is important as it helps the children to be independent. Again can you ensure that shoes and wellies are labelled with your child's name.


Home-school sharing books – Please remember to use our home-school sharing books. These are a great way of promoting and developing children's confidence when talking in our family worker groups.These books can be found as you enter the Nursery. They can be filled with weekend news, photographs, leaflets of places visited and drawings. Your child may like to try some writing here too. Early writing attempts often look like squiggles, this is fine! We value whatever stage the children are at with their writing. Adults can write underneath to let us know what the writing says.


Library days are Monday and Friday, so remember children’s book bags to enable your child to choose a book to take home. Books need to be returned the following week.


Snack money - We ask for a voluntary contribution of £5 per half term for part-time pupils and £7 for full-time pupils.


Spare clothes - Please can all parents bring in spare clothes and underwear for their child. These can be left in school in case they are needed. 


Please ensure you are on time for Nursery, it is helpful if you arrive five minutes before your child is due to come in as we start our activities right away.


Session times:

AM – 8.45-11.45                  

PM – 12.15-3.15

2 ½ days- Mon and Tues 8.45-3.15 Wed 8.45-11.45                                                                                                    Wed 12.15-3.15, Thurs and Fri 8.45-3.15

30 hours- Mon-Fri 8.45-3.15


Thank you 

The Nursery team
