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Welcome to Reception!

The Reception Team 

Class Teacher - Mrs Richardson

Teaching Assistants - Miss Nolan, Miss Riley, Miss Durney & Mrs Wareing (Tuesday to Thursday)


Summer 1 Term Learning

Our topics this half term will include: Our Senses, How My Body Works, Superheroes, Habitats, Under the Sea, and Weather . We will always look to follow the interests of the children which can sometimes require flexibility/changes in the topics that we cover.



In Maths we will be exploring 3D shapes, learn how to continue more complex repeating patterns, build and identify numbers to 20, use first, then and now to tell a mathematical story and begin to solve subtraction problems.  



Phonics lessons will begin on our first day back, Tuesday 16th April. We will be learning to read and write the sounds: ar, or, air, ir, ou and oy. 



Please continue to read with your child, the expectation is that they are reading daily at home. We would be grateful if you would please sign and date your child's reading record each time you listen to them read. If you haven't already, please ensure that your child has a book bag in order for reading books to be sent home. Staff will read with your child at various points throughout the week, therefore it is important that book bags, reading books and reading logs are sent into school every day. Reading books are sent home on Wednesday and collected in the following Tuesday to be changed.



This half term the children will be learning to read and write simple sentences, using their phonic knowledge to help them spell words. We will also be learning to read the red tricky words are, they and her.



 PE lessons will begin on Tuesday 16th April. PE kits should include a red t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. We kindly ask that EVERY item of clothing is clearly labelled with your child's name.


Communication & Language

Children will be learning how to retell the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", link events in a story to their own experiences. We will discuss vocabulary linked to our theme such as: seasons, habitat, mammal, environment, senses and organs.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children will be learning how to identify and name their feelings and emotions. They will be encouraged to use the calm corner when they need to, express their opinion and understand it is ok to have a different opinion to their friends. We will also be learning about good sleep routines and why it is important for our health. 


Physical Development

In PE the children will be learning how to do a forward roll safely and develop balancing and co-ordination skills to travel safely across a beam/bench.


Understanding the World

We will be beginning to understand that the present is now, learning who Florence Nightingale is and why she is important, that we can only grow certain fruit/vegetables in England, the names of the four seasons and the weather associated with them and how to care for a plant.
