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Class Four

Welcome to Class Four  


Welcome back,  I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break,

I am looking forward to an exciting Summer Term.


If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me via the front office.

Many Thanks, 

Mrs Minton-Allen

Teaching Team 

Class Four

Your teaching team this year is:


Class Teacher: Mrs Minton-Allen

Teaching Assistant: Miss Butler





Summer Term Learning 


This term we will develop our geographical skills as we begin Expedition Blue Planet. We will continue to learn about different continents and the countries in Europe. As we learn about different climates around the world we will begin to understand the damages faced by our amazing planet through the climate change crisis. We will take part in live lessons with explorers and scientists based in the Arctic to witness the effects of climate change and we will work in different teams to explore the challenges faced by climate change and solutions to help our planet.


In English, we will read for pleasure the exciting novel, Dark Whisper. Our writing will focus around climate change as we prepare written reports and write letters to inform people about our upcoming climate crisis film. In addition, we will write scripts for a special news film about climate change.


In Maths, we will strengthen our skills learning about decimals, money, finance and enterprise.  We will also make links to geography as we learn how to plot and read coordinates. A strong focus in Class Four is to continue learning all of our times tables up to 12 x 12.  We will also secure our knowledge and understanding of both written and mental methods in a variety of contexts. 


In Science, we will learn about living things and their habitats. Our learning will cross over to the Arctic as we learn about how climate change is affecting animal habitats in colder climates. We will take part in live lessons with scientists based in the Arctic. 


In Art, we will study the artist Henry Rousseau and continue to develop our skills painting with watercolours as we experiment with a range of techniques.


In Music, we will continue to develop our musicianship skills as we apply existing skills and knowledge when learning to play the Violin.  Alongside practical lessons, we will develop our listening and appraising skills through a wide range of music.


In PE, we will be developing our sporting and team skills in both athletics and rounder’s.


Enhanced Educational Visit


To enhance our writing this year we will be visiting the Liverpool Empire in November to watch the musical Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. 

Details will be sent home in a letter. 

Class Four Homework

Maths . A strong focus will be learning all of our times tables up to 12 x 12 in preparation for the national test in June. 


Times Tables  Please ensure you are logging into TT Rockstars at least three times a week. Also spend time revising your times table facts. Use Maths Frame to practise and adjust the test to focus on the areas you need to learn. 


Reading  Please ensure you that you read every night and your reading record is signed and brought into school each day.


Spelling It is important to practise your spellings each night before our weekly spelling test on a Friday. Please complete the spelling sheet and remember to print the word. Practise on the opposite page using different colours, writing the word backwards, writing it in a diagonal or in rainbows or in pyramids. Spelling homework will also be set through Spelling Shed. 



At the Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks we set as homework.


Obviously the level of engagement will depend on your child's age but we expect you take an active part in all aspects of homework and, where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g signing the Home/School Reading Record Book.)


The routines of reading every day, learning spellings and multiplication tables etc. can be great fun and very reading for all concerned. Best results are achieved when homework is not done at the last minute but has a fixed time in a child's established routine. Short, sharp periods of activity are preferable to prolonged periods of study where concentration can be lost.


Effective learning and consolidation of learning cannot happen in an environment with lots of distractions (e.g. television etc.) Please give some thought to where your child works at home. 


Homework Timetable


Friday to Friday - Reading and spelling.

TT Rockstars - access 3 times per week

Spelling Shed - play 3  games per week 

Mathsframe Mulipication Check - once per week

Supporting Your Child At Home.


The following links will take you to various websites. They contain numerous resources for supporting your child in all areas of the school curriculum. Individual log in details can be found in children's reading records. For further information about the curriculum please go to the Curriculum section of the school website.
