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Class Twelve

Welcome to Class 12


Our class team:

Mrs Hughes

Miss Gordon

Mrs Jones

Miss Hakija

Summer Learning

History and Geography

During the Summer Term we will continue with our two topics- ‘Out of this world’ which is a History topic focused on the moon landing and our ‘Where in the world are we?’ topic which is a Geography topic. For our History topic we will continue to look into the life of Neil Armstrong. For our Geography topic we will continue to look at the different continents and seas, name the 4 different countries that make up the United Kingdom, understand the difference between human and physical features and compare our city to other places in the world.



In Mathematics we will be focusing on fractions and position and direction. We will also develop different strategies to add and subtract numbers, including base 10, part-whole models and ten frames. 


Children will also have one lesson a week solely focusing on Shape, Space and Measure. Children will also have one lesson per week focusing on understanding time and applying this in everyday life.



In English we will be reading "Jack and the Beanstalk". We will use speaking and listening activities to develop our understanding of the story. We then aim to develop our understanding of past, present and future tense whilst writing a diary entry from the Giant's prospective. 



In Science, we will be learning about ‘Plants’. As this topic links with our English book focus, we will be planting beans. We will test what the beans need in order to grow by planting them in different conditions. 



In Art we will be focusing on colour. We will develop our understanding of primary and secondary colours whilst creating our own versions of famous artwork.



In Summer Term we will be focusing on Coping with Change during our PSHE lessons. We will learn about common changes in our lives and how best to deal with them.

We will then move onto Families and Committed Relationships. During this topic we will learn about different types of families and what makes families so special to us.



PE will take place on a WednesdayThis term team building. We will play a variety of games in order develop strategies to work together as a team. 


Swimming will take place on a Thursday afternoon. Could you please ensure that all children have the correct swimming kit or they will be unable to swim.

·         Swimming cap

·         Swimming trunks or costume

·         Towel



In computing we will be looking at basic computing skills and understanding the different computer components using word documents. We will also be looking at using different programs to collect and represent data.



In Summer term children will be learning the song "Your Imagination". We will learn how to follow instructions on how and when to sing, make and control long and short sounds, imitate pitch and become aware of others when performing.



In Class 12 children will have daily reading and spellings. Spellings will be changed on a Friday. These will be checked each morning. If children are not completing homework on a regular basis they will read/complete homework with an adult at break time.



At The Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks that we set as homework.


Obviously the level of your engagement will depend on your child’s age but we expect you to take an active part in all aspects of homework and where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g. by signing the Home/ School Reading Record Book).


The routines of reading everyday, learning spellings and multiplication tables etc. can be great fun and very rewarding for all concerned. Best results are achieved when homework is not done at the last minute but has a fixed time in a child’s established home routine. Short, sharp period of activity are preferable to prolonged periods of study where concentration can be lost.




If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff. In addition, the children’s diaries will be checked and written in daily to inform you of any updates. Additionally please see below useful website to enhance your child's leaning at home.








Supporting your child at home


The following links will take you to Espresso, Purple Mash and TT Rock Stars. Individual log in details can be found in children's reading records. For further information about the curriculum please go to the Curriculum section of the school website. 

If you no longer have these details, please email
