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Class Ten

Class Ten

Teacher: Mr Acs

Teaching Assistants: Miss Flexen, Mrs Lord and Miss Browne.


Welcome to the Summer Term


In English we will be reading Stars With Flaming Tails by Valerie Bloom. This is a poetry book which will allow the children to explore different forms of poetry and some mindfulness work. 


In Mathematics we will be looking at fractions, decimals and time. 


In Science, we will be learning about 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We will study the life cycle of different animal groups. 


In Computing we will be looking at algorithms.


In Geography our topic is Brazil. We will be learning about the culture and lifestyle of the people who live there. 


We will be going swimming every Thursday. 


On Mondays we will complete Social, Emotional and Mental Health interventions tailored to your children. These include working on self esteem and mindfulness. 


In Art we will focus on drawing and in particular the use of tones. 





Children will be sent home with spellings to learn each week, could you please find the time to practice with the children.

At The Grange we believe that it is crucial to work in partnership with parents and carers. There is an expectation that you will support us by ensuring that your child completes the tasks that we set as homework.

Obviously the level of your engagement will depend on your child’s age but we expect you to take an active part in all aspects of homework. and where necessary, indicate that you have monitored the completion of it (e.g. by signing the Home/ School Reading Record Book)

The routines of reading everyday, learning spellings and multiplication tables etc. can be great fun and very rewarding for all concerned. Best results are achieved when homework is not done at the last minute but has a fixed time in a child’s established home routine. Short, sharp period of activity are preferable to prolonged periods of study where concentration can be lost.

Effective learning and consolidation of learning cannot happen in an environment with lots of distractions (e.g. television etc.) Please give some thought to where your child works at home.

Please see below the extensive list of websites that your child can visit to consolidate and extend his/her learning.




I would like to thank parents/carers for your continued support at home. If you need any further guidance please contact me via the class email address:



Supporting your child at home:

The following links will take you to Espresso and Purple Mash. Both contain numerous resources for supporting your child in all areas of the school curriculum. Individual log in details were sent home , if you no longer have these please feel free to e-mail and I will forward logins to you.

Please feel free to e-mail me for log in details for any of the websites below between the following times 9am-4pm Mon-Fri, my email is: 


Purple Mash:


Tt Rockstars:




Username: student20294

Login: grange
